The Israeli German Pavilion
Berlin (DE) -Tel-Aviv (IL) | 2015
The "Israeli-German Pavilion" was built as an Israeli-German educational construction site in Tel Aviv. The Pavilion is one of the qualification projects within the framework of the educational exchange project “Israeli German Sustainable Building Education (IGSBE)” supported by the German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU).
The project focused on vocational education and training (VET) as well as higher education (HE) to practically qualify young German and Israeli construction workers, architects, civil engineers and teachers.
The pavilion itself was funded by the German Foreign Office and has been realized between 15.9.15 and 11.10.15.
Within the perennial DBU project, different exchange phases took place involving German and Israeli educational institutions on the topics of sustainable construction and education for sustainable development (ESD) in VET and HE. Priorities are energy and resource protection, simple and eco-friendly buildings including sustainable solutions for heat and cold protection, buildings with reusable, recyclable and regionally available materials as well as the common heritage of modern architecture and Bauhaus ideas in Germany and Israel.